Post-Festival Panel Discussion

WROUGHT: Post-festival Panel Discussion 5.30pm – 7.30pm @HRI, University of Sheffield Please book your free ticket from here:   WROUGHT Festival weekend full of performance across the city was closed on Sunday by Round Table Discussion with the artists, audience and volunteers. We’re holding a Post-festival Panel Discussion this Thursday 21st April at HRI, University of Sheffield […]

More WROUGHT on Media

WROUGHT Festival is happening in just 3 Days. Time for you to get tickets is ticking… if you’re not sure of anything, drop us a line, we’ll respond as soon as we can. Here are more media coverage of WROUGHT Festival 2016. Have a read and look forward to the weekend!   WROUGHT Festival in […]

The Day It Is Raining started to take its shape

The installation process for The Day It Is Raining by Tomoko Inagaki is happening in Mugen Tea House at the Hide. With generous help from volunteers, Tomoko is filling the half of tea room with beautiful transparent threads of rain. It is going to be an intriguing and meditative piece of work. You may not be able to see […]

6 Days and Counting…

WROUGHT is almost in sight. Tomoko Inagaki arrived on Thursday from Japan and is now building her installation The Day It Is Raining in the Mugen Tea House, Sheffield. She has recruited a number of volunteers to help her create rain. I think this will be a really beautiful and captivating performance. One performance of […]

Call for Volunteers

Time flies. WROUGHT Festival 2016 is approaching quickly – it is only 12 Days to go until the festival weekend. We’re still looking for volunteers to support our festival and now we have two volunteering opportunities to get involved: 1) Festival Volunteers; and 2) Volunteers for the installation piece, The Day It Is Raining by […]

Established Artists Announced…

Every day we are busy ensuring that WROUGHT 2016 is made up of the best Established artists working in one-to-one and contemporary performance, and we now thrilled to be able confirm that the following artists will be performing at WROUGHT this year. They are: Ellie Harrison and Jaye Kearney with The Reservation Alex Kelly with Inspiration Exchange and Cape […]

A Fully-Funded Festival

We are thrilled to be able to confirm that Arts Council England have given us a grant towards WROUGHT Festival 2016. This means we can now make the biggest and the boldest and the best festival possible. Obviously, it would have been good without the funding as we’d put a lot of thought into Plan B, but […]