Helen Iball – Documenter in Residence

Performance is notoriously difficult to document. Its ephemeral, often immersive, nature can’t always be captured via conventional documentation such as photography. Therefore, at WROUGHT, we have employed the vision of a creative documenter-in-residence, Helen Iball. Throughout the festival, Helen will offer a range of media and approaches to documentation with the aim of providing an opportunity for reflection and preservation of experience. This process can then act as a springboard for conversations around performance, presence and the intangible aspect of ‘being’.


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This creative documentation activity offers a place for audience-participants to reflect upon the One to One/s they attended, through 3D-doodling and modelling with the items provided on the table. Primarily, this is a personal and individual activity, and it is deliberately visual rather than verbal, as a means to explore experiential and affective responses.