Nadja Daehnke – Listen

Photo credit: Leonard Shapiro
Photo credit: Leonard Shapiro


“Listen invites you to sit a while and just listen – listen to the sounds you make, to sounds of the environment, listen to your and other voices, listen to your inner voice – and how this listening moderates your meeting with an other, makes you react to context, and negotiate your interactions.”


Nadja Daehnke was born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1971. She completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with distinction at the University of Cape Town, followed by Masters in Fine Art  and Masters in History of Art degrees, both with distinction. Nadja has exhibited nationally and internationally and has lectured at various tertiary institutions in both theory and practical subjects. Now working as independent curator and artist, Nadja held the post of curator of the Michaelis Galleries, University of Cape Town, from 2010 to early-2013. Prior to this she worked at the Iziko South African National Gallery as Curator for Contemporary Painting and Sculpture.